30 Day Emotional Eating Journal Challenge

30 Day Emotional Eating Journal Challenge

  Emotional eating is SUCH a common issue with many of the clients I deal with.  Anytime we’re using any substance to alter our moods… whether it be alcohol, drugs, or food… we are just suppressing those emotions.  We have to fully experience those emotions, whether 

Tips for Dealing with Emotional Eating

Tips for Dealing with Emotional Eating

  If you are an emotional eater, you realize it’s a vicious cycle. You eat to deal with stress, sadness, or other emotions – but it ends up making you feel worse. Here are some ways to cope: DELAY THE URGE If you can delay 

Have 25 Pounds to LOSE?  3 Things You NEED to KNOW!

Have 25 Pounds to LOSE? 3 Things You NEED to KNOW!

1.  IMPROVE YOUR MINDSET What we constantly tell ourselves ends up manifesting in real life.  If you’re betating yourself up mentally, telling yourself you can’t do this, you’ll always be fat, or worse yet – that it’s not worth it — that YOU aren’t worth 

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Make Progress

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Make Progress

Do you suffer from the all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to clean eating and exercise?  Realize that long-term improvement often comes in small steps over a long period of time, definitely not overnight.  You don’t have to be perfect to make progress. When I first started ramping 

Define Your Priorities for Goal-Setting

Define Your Priorities for Goal-Setting

Do you feel like you’re always busy, but never get anything DONE?  You’re not alone. One of the things that contributes to stress the most is a lack of focus in our lives. When we’re pulled in a million different directions, how do we choose 

Create Your Own Happy

Create Your Own Happy

That was then, this is now… Ever wonder why I hype personal development so much? It’s because long-lasting transformation happens on the inside. Your body will only go as far as your mind will take it. If you don’t work on that, you will fall 

Thinking vs. DOING. It’s a TRAP.

Thinking vs. DOING. It’s a TRAP.

  What are you WAITING FOR? How much time do you waste thinking about what you want to do, without taking action on actually DOING it? I’m not just talking about healthy eating and fitness here either. It could be the book you want to 

Keeping a Health Journal

Keeping a Health Journal

  I recently picked up this journal at GOODWILL – totally unused, just $1.49. (You can get one HERE – It’s from the Wheat Belly series. Note that not everyone is sensitive to gluten, I’m not suggesting that… I just liked the format and price of this