The Truth Behind the Latest Beachbody Announcement: Why I Made the Shift and What’s Next for Women Over 40

The Truth Behind the Latest Beachbody Announcement: Why I Made the Shift and What’s Next for Women Over 40

For many of us, Beachbody was more than just workout programs. It was community. It was friendships, accountability, and the satisfaction of pushing through Autumn’s 21-Day Fix, or sweating alongside Chalene, Tony, and Sagi. Those moments of connection were powerful, and they helped shape us, both physically and emotionally. 🧡

I was all-in with Beachbody. When I started in 2014 with 21-Day Fix, I dove in with both feet. By 2017, I was certified in PiYo and P90X, and also in the top 1% of the company—building a 5-star Diamond team, reaching Elite status. I was so passionate about helping women achieve their health goals. I loved seeing the progress, the transformations, the friendships that were formed. It felt like we were building something special.

Why I Couldn’t Continue with Beachbody

But as time went on, I started to see cracks in the foundation. Too many coaches were doing everything they were “supposed to do”—they followed every rule, sent every invite, showed up consistently, and still struggled to succeed. Every time they faced challenges, the message was always the same: “Hustle harder.” It didn’t sit right with me. There was never any acknowledgment that the business model was failing those who were working hardest at it.

Other signs emerged: top coaches were leaving behind their six-figure businesses, and even top-level executives began to pursue other ventures. All the while, the message from corporate remained constant: “Work hard, and this will work for you.” But it became clear to me that it wasn’t working for everyone—especially those pouring their hearts into it.

What I did know, though, was that I loved health and wellness. I loved coaching—getting to the root of my clients’ struggles and helping them navigate through those challenges. But I also knew that Beachbody programs weren’t the answer, especially for women over 40. Women like us need a more personalized, balanced approach that takes into account the realities of midlife. That’s when I realized it was time to make a change.

Why I Made the Shift

In 2018, I began to distance myself from the company. I continued supporting my clients because that’s where my passion has always been. But I stopped investing time in building a team. I realized I couldn’t, in good conscience, continue promoting a business model that wasn’t serving the majority of people working hardest at it. Let me be clear—I will never involve myself in network marketing (MLM) again. The system is flawed, and I knew I had to find a better way to help women without the constant pressure of sales and recruitment.

In 2024, I’m proud to offer something different.

I’ve developed my own programs designed specifically for women over 40. I saw the writing on the wall years ago, and I knew I needed to create something more sustainable, something that actually serves you. My focus is no longer about one-size-fits-all programs or focusing more on the money than the client. It’s about helping women in midlife navigate real challenges—hormonal changes, menopause, and that feeling of frustration when your body just isn’t responding the way it used to.

What I’ve learned over the years is that women in midlife need a more personalized approach. The extreme programs and diets that worked when we were in our 30s just don’t serve us anymore. Our bodies change, and with that change comes the need for a different kind of support. My programs are designed to meet you where you are. Whether you’re dealing with the physical shifts of midlife or just looking for a more balanced, sustainable approach to your health, I’m here to guide you through it.

The 21-Day Metabolic Kickstart: Why I Created This Program

After working with so many women over 40, I realized that what we often need isn’t a quick fix—it’s a gentle reset. I created the 21-Day Metabolic Kickstart for women who are ready to feel more energized, regain control of their metabolism, and create sustainable habits that work long-term. This program is my way of offering you the support I wish I’d had when I first started my own health journey in midlife.

I know firsthand how frustrating it can be when your body doesn’t respond the way it used to. The 21-Day Metabolic Kickstart is designed to help you get back in tune with your body in a way that feels nurturing, not punishing. It’s not about rigid rules or extremes—it’s about small, consistent shifts that make a big difference over time.

What You Can Expect from Me Now

My new programs are based on sustainability, flexibility, and meeting your body’s needs. It’s not about forcing yourself into a rigid box or burning yourself out with extreme measures. It’s about listening to your body, supporting it, and making changes that work for you long term.

Here’s what you can expect from me:

  • Support for hormonal changes and menopause: I understand the unique challenges of midlife, and my programs are designed to support your body through these changes.
  • Sustainability: No more extreme diets or punishing workout regimens. My programs are flexible and designed to fit your life, not the other way around.
  • Personalized guidance: We’re leaving behind the one-size-fits-all approach. Every woman’s body is different, and I’ll help you find what works for you.
  • No more hustle culture: We’re done with the grind and constant pressure. This journey is about working with your body, not against it.

Let’s Move Forward Together

I believe that the 21-Day Metabolic Kickstart is the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to feel more in control of their health without the overwhelm of strict programs or intense demands. It’s designed to meet you where you are and help you make progress that feels sustainable and supportive.

If you’re ready to take that first step toward feeling better—more energized, more in control—I’d love for you to join me. This isn’t just another program—it’s a way for us to start this journey together. I’m committed to helping you feel stronger, healthier, and more empowered in your midlife journey.

Click here to learn more and join the 21-Day Metabolic Kickstart.

Not ready for a full program? Join my free group here: Clean Eating Fix: Sustainable Weight Loss for Women Over 40.

Let’s make positive health changes together, one step at a time!

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