Keeping a Health Journal

I recently picked up this journal at GOODWILL – totally unused, just $1.49. (You can get one HERE – It’s from the Wheat Belly series. Note that not everyone is sensitive to gluten, I’m not suggesting that… I just liked the format and price of this one, which is why I got it).
TIP: When you start a health journal, don’t just record the foods you eat, but your supplements, energy level, sleep quality, weight, moods, bloating, when you get your period, and anything else relevant to your concerns (blood sugar levels, blood pressure readings, weight etc.). This way, you’ll be able to more clearly connect the dots between the foods you eat and the impact they have on your well-being. A health journal also serves as a great tool for you to be able to share with your physician or health practitioner.
You can even take your journaling one step further. Use it as a scrapbook that also serves as a portable Vision Board for your FITNESS GOALS.
Fitness Journal Basics
- Progress photos
- Measurements
- Health stats like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc.
- Motivational quotes
- Recipes you want to try
- Records of food intake, workouts
- NSVs (non-scale victories)
- Fitness goals and target dates to reach them
- Pictures of goal outfits
Writing Prompts
For those who want to step out of your comfort zone, try writing about these topics:
- WHY do you want to get in shape?
- What would looking and feeling your best mean to you?
- What do you tell yourself when you skip workouts? Eat too much? Write down what the inner voice says to you and how you will change it next time.
- How do you feel after a good workout? What does it do for you physically and mentally?
- How will you feel when you reach your goal?